Jelly Slice

This is the best quick dessert ever. I made this for my younger sister who has this love for jelly and cream and she LOVED it!! Again, there are several variations to this recipe and it involves different stages to prepare but it's not difficult at all!


For Base:
For Filling

For Topping


  1. Blend or process biscuits until its texture resembles crumbs. Pour in butter and blend until combined
  2. In your serving dish, press the biscuits mixture evenly on the base. Refrigerate until required
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the pudding mix, according to the packet directions.
  4. Beat the cream, until smooth and fold it in the pudding mixture.
  5.  Prepare your jellies according to packet directions. Allow it to cool and set. When set, cut it into squares.
  6. For Assembling: On top of the biscuit crumbs, add jelly squares (keep some for topping), now pour over it the pudding mixture
  7. Carefully place in the refrigerator to set and chill
  8. Sugar Crunch: In a heavy based pan, add sugar, melt it until it turns golden brown. Pour this mixture on aluminum foil and let it cool. Place in a plastic bag and break the bits with a can.
  9. Topping: Before serving, add the toppings: sugar crunch and jelly 
  10. Serve Chilled!

Serves:  6

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